Yoga for low back pain

I am editing the directions on the bottom of each picture to describe how to perform each pose. And of course, counter poses (poses that should follow).
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12 Best Yoga Poses for Back Pain (From A Fitness Expert!)
Back pain can be caused by sitting, standing, doing nothing or sprinting. Yoga poses and stretching with proper form can help strengthen and relieve pain!
12 Best Yoga Poses for Back Pain (From A Fitness Expert!)
The pose descriptions are on the website--- Stay away from the locust pose from now until I can do more research on your back pain... The rest are fine to do though :)
Bring the arms out to a "T" and allow the legs to come as wide, making sure the toes are pointed forward and the ankles are directly under the wrists. Inhale, and then exhale the hands onto the waist. Inhale deeply and feel the spine lengthen. Exhale and fold forward, bringing the hands to the mat right under the shoulders. BREATHE DEEPLY. If you want, you can walk the hands back more. Relax the neck, engage the quads (the thigh muscles) and feel the area below the bellybutton engaged
Yoga Girl®
Another good forward fold. Come into it like the one where the hands are on the ground. For Both, make sue the quads are engaged but the knees NOT locked. Relax the neck and face by unhinging the jaw. To come up, keep the bind of the peace fingers around the big toes, inhale look up halfway, exhale the hands to the waist and inhale the torso up to center. Always keep the area below the belly button engaged- It feels like you are trying to pull that area upwards and inwards closer to the spine.
Try these variations for Child's Pose | Ekhart Yoga
For low back pain, the pose is suggested with the arms extended long in front of the body, legs close to each other (knees touching if possible). The hands should be in line with the shoulders. The torso can rest on the legs, and the chin can tuck into the chest. Feel the spine stretching from the tailbone all the way to the top of the head.
Stop and Stretch! Postrun Relief For Your Lower Back
Bring knees into chest and drop them to the right (you can use a pillow between the knees). Pick up your head and rotate it to face the left. Stay for 3-5 minutes. Switch sides. After the left side is done, hug the knees into the chest and roll side to side.
3 Yoga Poses to Support Digestion
Stand with feet hip-width distance apart. Bend your knees and slowly hinge at the waist as you fold forward. Allow hands to bind with opposite elbows and hang in forward fold. Let the neck relax, unhinge the jaw. Maybe sway side to side if it feels like a natural movement. To come out of the pose, micro-bend or bend into the knees and slowly roll up to standing, one vertebrae at a time. The head will be the last to roll up.