
22 Pins
La décoration salle de mariage, comment économiser de l'argent?
idee decoration mariage en bois et plantes vertes, deco table champetre
DIY Blumenkranz für Urban Greenery Tischdekoration | Hochzeitsblog The Little Wedding Corner
DIY Blumenkranz für Urban Greenery Tischdekoration | Hochzeitsblog The Little Wedding Corner
DIY | Preserved Flower Hoop Wreath | INTERIOR DESIGN BLOG
DIY | Preserved Flower Hoop Wreath | INTERIOR DESIGN BLOG
Five-Minute Floral Hoop Wreath!
Five-Minute Floral Hoop Wreath! | Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss | home, diy, travel, parties, family, faith
57 Couronnes de Noel à faire soi-même
Osez pour l'originalité avec cette inspiration d'une couronne de Noel murale, à accrocher sur de jolis cadres dorés
Las mejores coronas de Navidad
Coronas de Navidad originales y bonitas para decorar
Modern Wreath DIY - Floral | Hobby Lobby
Elevate any space with an elegant DIY hoop wreath! To DIY: 1) Clip floral stems, leaving just enough to attach flowers to the ring with floral wire. 2) Arrange the florals, starting with the greenery. This gives the wreath its shape and fullness. 3) Add sturdy, textural pieces. 4) Finish off with the focal elements—we chose roses and waterlilies.