Verdades divertidas

153 Pins
This may contain: three cartoon characters are standing in front of purple and blue background with the same color scheme
créditos a wavc_anime.edits en Tik Tok (espero me den más apoyo en los últimos videos :(
This contains an image of: “Deberias ser como las de tu edad”🤨
“Deberias ser como las de tu edad”🤨
This may contain: a girl with purple hair holding a butterfly in her hand and the caption reads,
Esto me regreso 100mill años de vidaa 😻✨ (intro larga)
créditos al creador ✨
This may contain: an image of two faces with different expressions on the same face, one is frowning
diganme si son los mayores
This may contain: an anime character with black hair and white shirt holding his hand to his face, in front of a pink background