detalles constructivos madera

12 Pins
Resultado de imagen para detalle constructivo fachada ventilada
Window ventilators & demand-controlled ventilation
Renson Fabrications Conservatory ventilation
How to Install a Deck Post
AsktheBuilder - EXCELLENT first article!!! How to Install a Deck Post | Ask the Builder
How To Build A Shed On Skids
Building your own shed can be a fun weekend project. But sometimes were not sure how to proceed with a project when were in an area ...
Lightweight framing
A line drawing of a timber frame. Some important terms and parts are shown, including rafter, fascia, soffit bearer, lintel, ledger, jack stud, sill trimmer, jamb stud, jack stud, termite shield (or ant cap), hanging beam, cleat (or hanger), ceiling joist, jack ceiling joist (or trimmer), top wall plate, brace, noggin, common stud, bottom wall plate, floor joist, bearer and stump (or post or pier).
Lamboo | Bamboo Building Products | United States
Engineered Bamboo Beams and Components for Structural Applications, Performance Solutions, Sustainability
Galería de Casa de Madera / S-AR stacion-ARquitectura - 9
Galería - Casa de Madera / S-AR stacion-ARquitectura - 81