two small metal objects in the palm of a person's hand with a cardboard box behind them

TWO solid cast iron Steeple finials Architectural Oil Rubbed steel finish

Product Details
Before we ever started selling online, Rick was in the architectural iron business for many years. We're clearing out our warehouse right now to make space for our new woodworking room. These finials have been out there forEVER. Rick used to do a lot of custom interior and exterior iron work for people's homes. He used these finials for everything from fences and gates to interior iron designs. Many times the woman of the house would ask for an extra set of these finials to use either as stand-alone display piecescurtain rod holdersetc. We call this the ball & steeple design because they have the balls on the bottom and steeple design to the top. I did this set in an oil rubbed steel finish These are nice, SOLID, heavy finials at OVER a Half a Pound EACH. They are 5 inches tall & 2 1/2" wide. The bottoms are 1 1/8" wide and the openings are 3/4" round.