the printable worksheet for rounding numbers to 10 is shown in black and white

Number a Day Math Printables (first grade)

Product Details
Number a Day Math Printables includes 40 different printables with a focus on a single number per printable. You can use a single printable per day as a warm-up to your daily classroom lesson, as enrichment, or as a homework assignment. This packet is designed to meet the level of a first grade student. You can help your students learn number sense while they add, subtract, count, draw and color the special number of the day. Numbers covered: 0-20 plus 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. Common Core standards covered: 1.OA.6 1.OA.7 1.NBT.1 1.NBT.3 1.NBT.4 1.NBT.5 1.NBT.6 1.MD.3 In addition to many Common Core standards that are covered by these worksheets, an introduction to numbers in Spanish is included for students to become familiar with words for numbers in a foreign language. All graphics are original and created by myself. For Common Core Number a Day Math Printables (Kindergarten), click here . For Common Core Number a Day Math Printables (second grade), click here . For Common Core Number a Day Math Printables (third grade), click here . For Common Core Number a Day Math Printables (fourth grade), click here . For Common Core Number a Day Math Printables (fifth grade), click here . Thanks for visiting my store, Yvonne Crawford