
854 Pins
5 Sections
101 Critical Thinking Questions For Kids
These critical thinking questions for kids not only help children develop their analytical and reasoning skills but also encourage empathy, foresight, and a sense of responsibility towards their community and the environment. Save the pin and click the image for more!
What is STEM, really?!
Free STEM Engineering Process Posters! Great for STEM classroom decor with cute monsters.
Mesa Link
A Mesa Link foi desenvolvida para facilitar a movimentação e a mudança de layout em sala de aula permitindo arranjo individual ou em diferentes grupos. H Habto
Classroom Language - Tafelmaterial (Instructions)
Das Tafelmaterial in Englisch zeigt alle wichtigen Instruktionen und Aktivitäten in der Klasse - perfekt um die Vokabel und Phrasen mit den SchülerInnen zu erarbeiten. // Classroom Vokabel Grundschule Sekundarstufe // Classroom Phrases ausdrucken // Classroom Language Pictures // #ClassroomLanguageGrundschule #ClassroomPhrases #ClassroomLanguageEnglish