17 Pins
AVSM: I feel weepy for the sheer beauty of this. #CutOut (Helfried Hagenberg | book sculptures) | Stoll Approved | Book sculpture, Publication design, Book design
First Thing's First Manifesto Zine - Liron Eldar-Ash
What do you believe In as a designer? This question almost never comes up when you're so busy tending to you client's wishes, basically, being a good problem solver. But what happens when you no longer feel like you're helping your client, but just helpin…
UC.Prints: The Gosh-dang-it-mommy-fudging-ham-sandwich Reactions of Kimmy Schmidt
Encyklopedia Polskiej Psychodelii - NOVIKI STUDIO
PUBLICATIONS — Ariane Spanier Design
CD packaging for German artist Karin Sander's "Zeigen"-exhibitions - a series of shows whith empty walls, where visitors would walk through with audioguides, listening to artists describing one of their works verbally. Year: 2006 - 2011 Client: Karian Sander
Mohawk Maker Quarterly 11: Process
Mohawk Maker Quarterly 11: Process on Behance