Dra. Casabonne

127 Pins
Od Džabira bin Abdullaha, radijallahu anhuma, se prenosi da je Allahov Poslanik, sallallahu 'alejhi ve sellem, rekao: "Svako dobro djelo je sadaka."
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Estratégias de sucesso | Afiliados e empreendedores
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Trademark is a unique mark, symbol or label that distinguishes your product from those of your competitors helping in its easy identification. Once an application is filed before the registrar, it will be kept for examination and the successful approval will lead to advertising the application in the Trademark Journal before it is registered. This advertisement is made to invite any opposition that a person raise against an application.
La responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas: delito contra la propiedad industrial
La responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas: delito contra la propiedad industrial. http://www.economistjurist.es/articulos-juridicos-destacados/la-responsabilidad-penal-de-las-personas-juridicas-delito-contra-la-propiedad-industrial/