The Cult of Mithra: Sacred Temples, and Vedic Legends, and Ancient Armenian Understanding
Mitra matando al toro.
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The Crucified “Saviors” of the World
Who Was Mithra? Sanctuary for a Mysterious Cult that Once Rivaled Christianity is Found on Corsica
Mithras and Jesus Similarities
Mithra was originally a Persian sun god (or not exactly; sometimes he is equated with the sun, but sometimes higher or lower in rank), dating back to around 600bc if not earlier. Mentions of the god are found in both the Vedas and the Avesta (Hindu and Persian sacred texts); he became associated with Chaldean astrology and worship of Marduk, and finally came into conduct with the Western world through Alexander’s conquests.
Mithraism - Wikipedia
Bas-relief of the tauroctony of the Mithraic mysteries, Metz, France.
Vatikanische Museen, Museo Pio-Clementino, Sala degli Animali, Mithras tötet den Stier (Mithras killing the bull)
Vatikanische Museen, Museo Pio-Clementino, Sala degli Animali, Mithras tötet den Stier (Mithras killing the bull) | da HEN-Magonza