Purely ornamental

Picking favorite ornamental plants is a little easier than picking a favorite child. And here we can pick as many favorites as we want!
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PlantFiles Pictures: Decorative Dahlia 'So Happy' (Dahlia) by Calif_Sue
Full size picture of Dahlia 'So Happy' (Dahlia)
The lovely Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea - learn more about it here: http://vbelleblog.com/?s=vanilla Image Source: http://fishtailcottage.blogspot.com/2016/08/oh-my-goodness-its-been-crazy-summer-i.html
PlantFiles Pictures: Large Flowered Climbing Rose 'Eden Climber' (Rosa) by LMR5678
large-flowered climbing rose 'Eden Climber' (aka 'Pierre de Ronsard'), one of the most beautiful roses in the world.
PlantFiles Pictures: Siberian Iris 'Trim The Velvet' (Iris sibirica) by EROCTUSE2
Siberian Iris 'Trim The Velvet' (Iris sibirica) at Dave's Garden. All pictures are contributed by our community.
PlantFiles Pictures: Ferraria Species, Black Flag, Spider Flower, Spinnekopblom, Starfish Lily (Ferraria crispa) by AnniesAnnuals
If you’re into freaky flowers, this bulb is for you! It looks like something from under the sea, like the edges of the petals are covered with barnacles.
PlantFiles Pictures: Dicentra, Fern Leaf Bleeding Heart 'Burning Hearts' (Dicentra) by bb688
Bleeding Heart (Dicentra) 'Burning Hearts'. Photo by bb688
PlantFiles Pictures: Veronica, Dwarf Spike Speedwell 'Royal Candles' (Veronica spicata) by EROCTUSE2
Dwarf Spike Speedwell 'Royal Candles' (Veronica spicata)
PlantFiles Pictures: Gazania, Treasure Flower 'Big Kiss White Flame' (Gazania rigens) by Kell
Gazania rigens 'Big Kiss White Flame'