DG bloom of the day

No matter what your weather is like, there's always something pretty blooming somewhere!
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Today's bloom is English Rose 'Bow Bells' (Rosa )
Bloom of the Day: Amaryllis 'Exotic Star' or Hippeastrum. Photo by TomH3787
Today's bloom is English Rose 'Bow Bells' (Rosa )
Bloom of the Day for July 23rd: Chinese Houses (Collinsia heterophylla) Photo by AnniesAnnuals
Today's bloom is Alkekengi Species (Alkekengi officinarum var. franchetii)
Bloom of the Day for August 2nd:Chinese Lantern Plant (Physalis alkekengi) in a garden in Darlimurla, Victoria, Australia. Photo by kennedyh
Today's bloom is English Rose 'Bow Bells' (Rosa )
Bloom of the Day for July 30th: The spotted liverwort "Freckles" is a beautiful and impressive little treasure, which is a fine plant for shadow gardening. Photo and description by Ancolie88
Today's bloom is English Rose 'Bow Bells' (Rosa )
Bloom of the Day for July 21st: Tropical Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinesis) 'June's Joy' by ardesia
Today's bloom is Lysimachia 'Gentian Blue' (Lysimachia monellii subsp. monellii)
Bloom of the Day for September 26th: Blue Pimpernel "Gentian Blue" (Anagallis monellii)
Today's bloom is English Rose 'Bow Bells' (Rosa )
Bloom of the Day for August 4th: Corn Cockle 'Milas' or Agrostemma githago. Photographed at the Botanic Gardens Dublin by member philomel.
Today's bloom is English Rose 'Bow Bells' (Rosa )
Bloom of the Day for July 27th:Lobelia (Lobelia excelsa) by AnniesAnnuals
PlantFiles: Alkekengi Species, Chinese Lantern, Strawberry Ground Cherry, Winter Cherry
Bloom of the Day for December 12th: Chinese Lantern Plant or Physalis alkekengi.
PlantFiles Pictures: Tecoma, Esperanza, Ginger-Thomas, Trumpet Bush, Yellow Bells 'Gold Star' (Tecoma stans) by htop
Bloom of the Day for October 11th: Trumpet Flower "Gold Star" or Tecoma stans.
PlantFiles: Calotropis Species, Crown Flower, Giant Calotrope, Giant Milkweed, Swallow-Wort
Bloom of the Day for October 19th: Crown Flower, Giant Calotrope, Giant Milkweed, or Swallow-wort
PlantFiles Pictures: Pleroma Species, Glory Bush, Glory Tree, Chorao (Pleroma granulosum) by htop
Bloom of the Day for October 2nd: Glory Bush, "Tibouchina granulosa."
Today's bloom is English Rose 'Bow Bells' (Rosa )
Bloom of the Day: The hardy English Rose or Austin Rose 'Bow Bells' photographed in DreamOfSpring's garden.